It is NECESSARY to groom your Goldendoodle!

When our puppies go home with you, they have already had their first bath and experienced the air dryer. We also are sure to constantly love on them, and touch their feet, their tails, and faces.

When you give your puppy a bath, be careful to avoid getting water in their eyes.

Goldendoodles are prone to getting ear infections due to their floppy ears and long hair. Keeping your Goldendoodle’s hair around their eyes trimmed and the inside of their ears dry will help prevent these.

Combing through your Goldendoodle’s hair will brush through the undercoat, and you can use a slicker brush to brush through the top layer.

Once your puppy has all their age-appropriate vaccines, it will be able to see a professional groomer. Most groomers will not see animals until they have all their vaccines, but occasionally there may be a groomer who can groom in your home or have a setup that allows for puppy grooming.

Expect to have your puppy groomed every 6-10 weeks depending on your grooming preferences.


Avoid feeding your puppy onions, grapes, avocados, and nuts. Some puppies will also scarf down their food fast, we suggest feeding lesser amounts at a time, utilizing a slow-feeding bowl, or hand feeding.


Mental and Physical stimulation is key to a happy, non-destructive, puppy. Make sure to give your puppy plenty of exercise and playtime. When your puppy gets enough stimulation, they will get sleepy! Not to mention, the health benefits of it all!


We know that having a new puppy can be overwhelming, especially if you are not a pro! Crate training, potty training, training not to chew, nip, or jump on things, or bark at everything is a lot for a family to take on! Make sure you are prepared with the proper time, patience, plans, and set reasonable levels of expectations for you all. We always recommend consulting with a professional dog trainer for basic obedience and more if needed. It is worth the investment for your life-long furry family member!

We know that your new Wet Goldendoodle Kisses Goldendoodle Puppy will bring you so much joy and companionship for many years to come with proper care and responsibility.